Free eBook: You’ve Got to Kiss a Lot of … Princes! A Sampling of Midlife Dating Lessons, Stories and Insights

You've Got to Kiss a Lot of ... PrincesGet this eBook free by signing up for our VIP mailing list. We promise to respect your privacy and not sell or rent your address to anyone. You’ll only hear from us – and then only periodically when we want to share something we think will interest you.

This eBook is designed for midlife women who are interested in stories, advice, and lessons from the midlife dating front. If you are over 40 and haven’t dated in a while — or even if you have — you’ll learn ways to approach dating with zeal, optimism, and hope. Even if you’ve had more than your share of negative experiences, I’ll share how to glean lessons from those adventures, rather than just declaring that “all men are jerks” or “men are just looking for sex.”

You’ve Got to Kiss a Lot of … Princes! A Sampling of Midlife Dating Lessons, Stories and Insights incorporates key chapters from each of the 13 Adventures in Delicious Dating After 40 series books. While most of the perspective is from a woman to women, men’s comments, experiences, and lessons have been integrated as appropriate.

This book began as daily entries into my blog, Adventures in Delicious Dating After 40, which has been featured in the Wall Street Journal as well as on radio and TV. I wrote about my epiphanies from my and my friends’ dating life. The best postings were culled to make this and subsequent books.

Whether you’ve been dating a while or you’ve reentered the dating world, this will give you a foundation of attitude and philosophy to make your adventure more fulfilling.

Table of Contents

  • You’ve got to kiss a lot of…princes!
  • Turn your liabilities into assets
  • Building your Franken-boyfriend
  • Men are like shoes
  • Euphemisms uncovered
  • One ringy-dingy —making the first call go smoothly
  • Honesty is not always the best policy
  • The date relationship test
  • Multi-dating pros and cons
  • 50 ways to leave your lover? 4 ways not to leave your suitor
  • Getting naked with him the first time
  • Do you love how he loves you?
  • Resources

eBook FREE! Normally $19.95 (68 pages)

With your purchase of any of the Adventures in Delicious Dating After 40 series books you get a copy of the bonus eBook, Attract Your Next Great Mate: Dating Advice From Top Relationship Experts, full of thought-provoking ideas from 12 dating/relationship experts! Download instructions are included inside each of the books.


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