I was interviewed by Helen Raptis and Dave Anderson on “AM Northwest” at KATU-TV, Portland, OR. What fun we had! They wanted my take on why midlife women undersold themselves on their dating profiles. They’d read “Are you arguing your limitations?” and like what I had to say, so wanted me to share my thoughts with their viewers.
They also found it fascinating that I’ve gone out with 75 men in 2 years. Even the crew laughed when I shared that! I’ve gotten so used to it, I don’t think of it as being funny anymore. I felt like a slacker when a friend recently shared that she dated 300 men in 2 years! But she was in her 20s and husband hunting, so sometimes met 5 guys a day!
Dave also is co-host of an afternoon fun show, The Mark and Dave Show, on Portland’s KEX radio, and invited me to be a guest there. He’s also a stand-up comedian, so it was a hoot!
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