Dating Goddess has moved

I have now moved my blog to my own site For some of you this may be transparent, as I’ve had this URL redirected to the WordPress host for a long time. But in case you haven’t saved it as the above URL, please do so. Or better yet, subscribe via RSS.

In response to Elena’s question:

I’ve noticed that you’ve been posting less frequently. This isn’t a criticism, just an observation. Is the new relationship taking up more of your time or have you decided to reduce the frequency of posts? It’s incredible that you’ve been able to post daily for more than two years so if you’ve decided to ramp down, it would be totally understandable. Just curious.

My original purpose of blogging was to create the manuscript that is now in my literary agent’s hands and is being pitched to publishers. But I got a little carried away and continued daily postings for nearly 2 years! I now have enough content for several books. But I have decided to cut to about every other day so I would feel the pressure to “just write about anything.” While it worked for Seinfeld to have a show about nothing, I want to offer you insightful or amusing content.

Also, I’ve been traveling more — a week at Thanksgiving and 5 days this week, plus I’ll be in India and Singapore for all of January. When on the road it’s harder to find time to write and sometimes to find an Internet connection. In January I’m not sure how often I’ll be able to post — or have anything interesting to comment on. I may post some observations during my travels, and ask your tolerance that the postings may not be dating related. But who knows, maybe I’ll have a date or two while I’m gone!

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2 responses to “Dating Goddess has moved”

  1. Another Ellen Avatar
    Another Ellen

    Personally, I think every other day is fine, although I was certainly impressed by the thoughtful, interesting daily postings.

    Have you done anything on the talking-listening ratio, i.e. if one should try, on a date, to be interestING or interestED…

  2. Dating Goddess Avatar


    Thank you for your kind comment.

    I’ve written about how seductive listening is, but not specifically about the radio. Will ponder that.