“Manslations” review

ManslationsJeff Mac has just released a brilliant book, Manslations: Decoding the Secret Language of Men.

(Full disclosure: Mac is a pal of mine, having formed a pal-ship through our blogs. We have a bit of a mutual admiration society, so perhaps my review of his book is a tad tainted. But I will try to be objective.)

Mac is a stand-up comedian turned blog writer turned author. His blog is comprised of questions women submit asking for his interpretation of men’s behavior in matters of the heart and seeking his advice. He (well, probably his editors) have brilliantly taken the nub of his readers’ questions and made the themes topics in his book.

The premise is he translates men’s behavior — thus “manslations.” If you liked He’s Just Not That Into You you’ll love Manslations. Mac brings the same down-to-earth style, but is much funnier. He’s like a brother or best guy pal giving you the secrets to men’s motivations and actions. He debunks myths and shows us how women misinterpret men’s behavior, make excuses for them, and generally talk ourselves into thinking a man is into us when he’s not. A theme throughout reinforces the concept, “Pay attention to what a man does, not what he says.”

He describes how to tell if a man is interested in you (like he asks you out or finds a way to spend time with you) so all your guessing if someone is into you or not is a waste of time.

Men’s behaviors, Mac tells us, can be boiled down to two questions:

  1. Might he think that this behavior will get him laid?
  2. Might he think that this behavior will maximize his time with you?

Mac’s writing style is engaging, informative, and funny. And even though he’s a bit ADHD, his asides are funny. I’m glad the editors left them in.

A big thumbs up for this book.


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