Over-40 women reentering the dating pool are often flummoxed by the behaviors of midlife men who are presumably wanting to make a great impression. These women don’t understand the behaviors because they’ve dated few (if any) midlife men, or haven’t dated at all in many years – or decades. The Dating Goddess’s new book Embracing Midlife Men: Insights Into Curious Behavior helps dating midlife women better understand – and therefore more likely to embrace – the behaviors of midlife men suitors.
Women Dating Over 40 Learn to Embrace Midlife Men
Midlife dating women sometimes scratch their heads after interacting with an over-40 potential suitor, wondering, “What could he possibly be thinking? Does he really think this behavior will be attractive to me?” Especially if it’s before, during or after a date with a man who presumably wants to impress her.
The Dating Goddess’s new book Embracing Midlife Men: Insights Into Curious Behavior focuses on better understanding midlife men’s behaviors. The Dating Goddess® says, “When you grasp what’s going on in his head it’s much easier to embrace him. Men are wondrous creatures, so we need to understand them better and love them for who they are.”
She continues, “It’s easy to think that all men are like your ex- or late husband(s). Of course there are some similarities in many men, but your guy may have been very different than most – which can be either good or bad. You begin to generalize based on a few data points – the few men you’ve gone out with in your life.”
The Dating Goddess® has amassed her knowledge after going out with 91 men in 3.5 years after her 20-year marriage dissolved five years ago, the Dating Goddess has thoroughly researched her topic and chronicled her lessons, advice and stories in her Adventures in Delicious Dating After 40 book series.
In Embracing Midlife Men: Insights Into Curious Behavior, the Dating Goddess® covers issues like, “Why men disappear when it gets serious,” “Do men want feisty women?,” “Are you getting prime time from your man?,” “When a man tells you what he paid for things,” “Does he treat you like his ex?,” and “Tales of woo.”
The Dating Goddess® started writing her insights after her friends told her she was having a much more positive experience dating than other midlife singles. “Dating is an adventure if you look at it that way. All adventures have exhilarating experiences, as well as setbacks and disappointments. But the fun part outweighs the negatives if you focus on those.”
The Dating Goddess® is dedicated to providing uncommon information, insights and advice for midlife women reentering the dating world. is one of the top-ranked sites for dating over 40. The Adventures in Delicious Dating After 40 book series consists of 13 books on critical issues faced by midlife daters.
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