Review of “Dating Dynamics for Finding Mr. Right”

Dating Dynamics for Finding Mr. RightMy friend Marsha Petrie Sue has created an audio CD of her dating techniques called “Dating Dynamics for Finding Mr. Right.” Her strategies are based on her process for finding her second husband 18 years ago. She also includes stories from other singles on how they went about the husband hunt and has updated it a bit to include Internet dating.

The CD covers how to:

  • create a personality that attracts without being phony
  • overcome first date fear and reduce the butterflies
  • leave the baggage at home and why it’s important
  • refine the fine art of small talk — anywhere, anytime
  • stay interested and interesting in any circumstance
  • stay positive and not take situations personally

Listening to this I thought the perfect audience is for women who have not dated in 20 or 30 years. She covers things like how to make conversation and show the man you’re interested. Unless you’ve been a shut in for decades, most women know these basic techniques (make eye contact, smile, ask questions about him). But if you’ve only gone out on a few dates and need some encouragement and some reminders of what to do (use mouthwash) and not do (don’t monopolize the conversation), this CD could be helpful to you. It might also be useful for those who are shy and unsure of how to converse with a stranger.

Click here for more info or to order.

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