Review of “How to Behave: Dating and Sex”

How to BehaveHow to Behave: Dating and Sex: A Guide to Modern Manners for the Socially Challenged by Caroline Tiger

This gift-size 222-page book is full of lists. For every topic (Turning Down an Unwanted Suitor, Disarming the Over-Toucher, Avoiding Your Date’s Bad Breath), she lists a handful of tips. Some are common sense (never hit on a married person, turn off your cell phone, ignore emails from obvious spammers). Some are useful. And some are bizarre (how to deal with a gas attack, how to dissuade would-be dance partners who attack from behind, what to do about nose hair).

This is wittily written and a quick read. I read most of it during an hour-long flight. While you’ll find some topics common to dating books, you’ll also find some that are covered by few (Body Hair Grooming Tips, When Your Date Smells, If Your Date is a Noisy Popcorn Eater, If Your Date is a Blogger, and Condom Etiquette). If the vignette chapter topics appeal to you, you’ll find information other authors shy away from.

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