At long last!

No, I haven’t found the man of my dreams. Which means you’ll keep getting entries to this blog.

What I’m talking about is, the Adventures in Delicious Dating After 40 books are ready!

Dating Goddess Book Series

I’ve culled years of favorite postings and divided them into areas critical to embracing dating after 40 as an adventure. Which, since you’ve read the blog, you know is key to keeping your spirits up during your search for The One. They are a mix of information (like “Women’s First Date Blunders”), examples (“Did He Break Up With You and Just Not Tell You?”) and funny stories (“Knight and Day”), all based on my being aggressively single since my divorce, having now dated 95 men the past few years.

But maybe you’ve found your “One.” If so, congratulations! I’m happy for you!

If you’re still searching, then these books will help you in specific areas — getting ready to date, clarifying why you’re a great catch, defining who you want as your next mate, putting your toe in the dating water, online dating, checking a man out before agreeing to go out, understanding what makes men tick, making sure your first date isn’t a waste of time, dating several men simultaneously, deciding whether to keep seeing someone, surviving break ups with grace, working through challenges — even sex!

Each book has been vetted by editors and age-appropriate dating readers to make sure each is relevant and high quality. Readers reported they’ve enjoyed their “date” with the books, which are between 100 and 228 pages each. The chapters are short and easy to read. You’ll probably recognize some of the ones you’ve read on the blog. If so, maybe it’s time for a refresher.

If you’ve already found your “One,” perhaps you have loved ones considering beginning or engaged in the search. These books would be a loving gift of encouragement for them.

Date or Wait_3d-coverYou can get autographed copies by ordering today. Right now, Date or Wait: Are You Ready for Mr. Great? is available in soft-cover and eBook. All the other titles are available as eBooks. So when you order Date or Wait tell me on the check-out page to whom you want it autographed. If you order more than one copy of Date or Wait (and I’ll kiss you if you do!), just give me all the names.

Since the soft-cover version of Date or Wait is at the printer and will be shipped to us in the next few weeks, we’re going to send you the eBook version immediately — for free!* We’ll send your autographed soft-cover copy of that title as soon as it’s off the press. In the meantime, you can dive into the eBook version, as well as the other eBook titles.

BTW, we’ve offered deep discounts for multiple titles ordered. It’s all explained here.

These books are perfect for Valentine’s Day, since our thoughts go to love and romance. So if you aren’t seeing someone special, give yourself a gift that will have more value than buying yourself flowers and chocolate (and you know that means a lot since I LOVE chocolate!). And if you have midlife single women friends, this is perfect for their Valentine’s gift from you!

Attract Your Next Great MateAs my thank you for purchasing, with your order of any title you receive** the 141-page eBook, Attract Your Next Great Mate: Dating Advice From Top Relationship Experts. Twelve dating/relationship experts contributed to this eBook offering a spectrum of ideas on how to attract your “One” into your life.

Thanks for your support! Tell your friends!

Dating Goddess

P.S.: Read Jeff Mac’s (of Manslations fame) review of Date or Wait.

P.P.S: Read The Seductress Within’s review of Date or Wait.

* Upon checkout, you’ll immediately receive an email with the link for downloading. If you’re ordering multiple copies of Date or Wait, just email your recipients the link and tell them the physical copy will be sent to you soon.

** Download instructions are in every book.


You've Got to Kiss a Lot of ... PrincesJoin our free VIP mailing list and get a free copy of my 74-page eBook, You’ve Got to Kiss a Lot of … Princes! A Sampling of Midlife Dating Lessons, Stories and Insights.

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One response to “At long last!”

  1. Rosalind Sedacca, CCT Avatar

    Wow, what a great series of books! Seems like you’ve covered just about every facet of dating and every question I could have thought of to ask on this often intimidating subject. Thanks for making it so easy to date smarter, have more fun and enjoy greater success in finding the “right” catch! (Especially after a divorce!)

    Rosalind Sedacca, CCT
    Founder, The Child-Centered Divorce Network