They aren’t called “hate handles”

Many midlife woman have bodies with a bit more to love than they did in their twenties. Some are self-conscious about their less-than-model-like shapes. I have been.

But then a few men have helped me see that pronounced curves have admirers. When discussing our body images with one beau, I shared that I wasn’t happy with my generous hips. His reply: “I love your hips. You know, they aren’t called ‘hate handles.’” Of course, I kissed him right then and there.

Another commented that my considerable tush should “be proclaimed a national treasure.” Now you’ve got to just love a man who says things like that!

I was reminded of these sweet-talking endearments upon hearing a comment by Guy Ritchie after his and Madonna’s divorce announcement. I’ve long admired her lithe, chiseled body. But evidently he did not. During their estrangement, he was quoted saying that making love to Madonna was like “having sex with gristle.”

The point is that there are men who love all body types. And what may seem attractive to you in other women, may not be at all attractive to many men. We need to embrace who we are and appreciate whatever we bring to the party, knowing there are some men who will love us for — or despite — whatever part of ourselves we may not fully love.


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2 responses to “They aren’t called “hate handles””

  1. Jack Avatar

    Yes, yes, yes!!! Ladies stop comparing yourself to these unnatural images from Hollywood and Madison Avenue. Plus its not fair from a gender perspective. I’m a very average looking bald middle aged man but this has had no deleterious effect on my bloated ego or inordinate amount of self esteem. Great advice DG.

  2. rkintn Avatar

    LOL Thanks, Jack! and DG:)