I just returned from 3 weeks in Thailand and Laos. My dating life never seems far from my mind. Here are some examples of a few of the activities that reminded me of my dating life.
We stopped to pet this baby elephant and feed her bananas. After each banana she insisted on grabbing me by the neck, pulling me toward her and planting a big kiss on me. Sometimes she was even more aggressive by putting my whole head in her mouth. It reminded me of some overly affectionate first dates who would grab me around the neck and plant a big one on me. Unfortunately, unlike with this elephant, I couldn’t laugh!
This monkey (baboon?) was eating coconut discarded by tourists. His eating manners reminded me of some of my first dates — including eating with his hands and dribbling!
I decided to get a blessing from this monk. When I sat in front of him he winked at me. Not knowing if this was a twitch or a wink, I smiled. He asked where I was from and when I told him, I thought he said “I’ll come visit you.” But monks don’t flirt, right?
Adventures abound as does humor when we are ready. Are you ready?
Get your copy of Dipping Your Toe in the Dating Pool: Dive In Without Belly Flopping