The singles’ life: swapping sexual favors for … dog sitting!

dogA former flame recently told me an old girlfriend, who ended their relationship extremely badly, asked if he’d take care of her dogs while she’s on vacation. When he said yes, but wouldn’t accept any money for it, she offered to give him sexual services in exchange for dog sitting. She’d even designed a sexual-favors credit system where he earned rolls in the hay for strolls with the dogs. He was flabbergasted!

Although when they broke up 10 months ago she wrote him a letter listing his every flaw — and insulting his masculinity — evidentially his in-the-sack performance was now missed. And while she wasn’t suggesting they get back in relationship, she was more than suggesting they get back in bed.

Is this what’s in store for modern-day singles? A new perspective on the f___-buddy concept? The attitude of “You take care of my dogs and I’ll take care of you”? What’s next? “Pick up my mail and I’ll give you a quick pick me up.” “Water my plants and I’ll make your mouth water.” “You do me this favor and I’ll do you a sexual favor.” While we admired her creativity designing a credit system, it seemed to us a tad too much like prostitution.

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2 responses to “The singles’ life: swapping sexual favors for … dog sitting!”

  1. Liz Avatar

    too much like prostitution? I think that is prostitution!

  2. Dating Goddess Avatar

    Liz — you’re so right!