What do you think your date’s car says about him?

Some women judge a man by his car. If he drives an expensive car, she assumes he’s financially sound. But he could be hocked up to his eyeballs to pay for it.

BoxsterAnd men think a cool car equals sexiness. I met a potential suitor for coffee whose screen name was “Boxster.” I watched him drive away — in his SUV. Maybe his Boxster was his other car — the one he drives when he wants to impress a date! Or maybe he chose that name hoping to entice women.

A man often poses next to his (or assumedly his) cool car and posts the pic on his online profile. One man showed himself next to a hot sports car. However, on closer inspection, the car was in a dealer’s showroom! So either he had his pic taken while car shopping or he sold cars for a living.

CabrioletA dating friend has two cars — a Toyota Echo and a convertible Mercedes Cabriolet. On a first date, he purposefully drives the Echo. He says if his date makes a negative comment or seems put off by his wheels, that’s the last date.

For several months I dated a man who owned 5 cars — just for him. I joked that he could match his car to his outfit. But he drove the car that matched his mood. We most often went out in his Cadillac, sometimes the Oldsmobile, and only once in his $150,000 limited-edition Mercedes, which he saved mostly for driving to business meetings. But when alone, he most often drove the beat up Buick with ripped upholstery.

A gal pal told me her current beau owns nine cars.

What is it with men and cars? I’ve owned two cars at one time, but one was to be a gift to my niece when she turned 16. I understand that part of men’s infatuation with cars has to do with phallic symbolism, especially for sports cars. And that a high-end car supposedly advertises success. And this car-equals-prowess goes back to high school when shallow girls thought a guy was hotter when he drove a cool car.

But evidentially midlife women are still impressed with some cars, and thus the men who drive them. I admit I notice if a man’s car is clean and well kept. And yes, sporty cars are fun. Yet if a man isn’t appealing, his car isn’t going to turn that around. And if a man is alluring, it doesn’t really matter what make or model he drives.

What do you think about what your date drives?

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5 responses to “What do you think your date’s car says about him?”

  1. Bookyone Avatar

    Hi DG,

    That’s an excellent question. IMHO, frequently, (not always, but often enough that I’ve noticed a pattern), a man who owns or drives an expensive sportscar or other luxury vehicle that he can’t afford is a player type whose main ambition is to impress women with his vehicle in order to get something from these women (generally sex, or at least a kinky backrub). All flash and no substance, Player Guy can be fun and flirtatious, a great distraction from everyday life for a brief moment or two and a super ego boost. Just don’t get emotionally attached to him or you’ll wind up regretting it when he drives away in search of greener pastures (and fresher milk).

    The other category of guys who drive expensive vehicles they can’t afford are middle aged men with midlife crisis issues. Like the woman who gets surgery after surgery in the vain hope of recapturing her lost youth, this guy is on a quest to recapture his glory days, with or without a woman by his side. Midlife Crisis Guy is often a nice normal married guy with an ordinary job and a seemingly normal life, til one day when his hormones go into overdrive (maybe from watching one too many Viagra and hair replacement ads) and he dumps his wife and kids and 9-5 job, buys a sportscar and drives off into the sunset with his much younger flavor of the month to join a rock band.

    And they say we ladies have hormonal issues…

    Best wishes from bookyone 🙂

    BTW: The above post is a joke, intended for amusement only. 🙂

  2. Sassy Avatar

    Fun subject, DG. I’ve dated guys with trucks, guys with Mercedes, one with an ever-changing BMW of some sort, one who had a “grandma” Buick. But the most fun is the guy who actually washed, waxed, vaccummed the car for me to make fancy Christmas party date that much more special. Felt like going to the prom at 45! He is a wonderful guy and always a fun date!

  3. Ally Avatar

    I don’t really care as long as it is clean and in good condition. I tend to roll my eyes if he drives a small sports car, however, or a Porsche.

  4. Aggressively Single Avatar
    Aggressively Single

    I’m into cars, so I like it when a guy drives a nice, fast, or special car. Current guy drives a truck and a mercedes convertible, and I was turned off that he sent me 2 pictures before we met – one if him with his shirt off (well, actually that was more of a turn on than a turn off!) and one standing in front of his convertible. Reeks of insecurity, but it’s so common with guys. They send pictures of themselve and their ride to everyone! Can you imagine a woman taking a picture of herself standing in front of her car???

  5. Dating Goddess Avatar


    «Can you imagine a woman taking a picture of herself standing in front of her car???»

    While I’ve seen some profiles with pics of women in front of their hot cars, it is rare. Women just don’t think that way. But maybe we’re missing out here, since it is such a big deal for many men. Maybe we need to go to the local Ferrari dealership with our digital camera and have a friend snap pics of us!
