You never know who’ll flirt with you

One of the funnest things about the dating adventure is who you meet serendipitously. It’s part of the allure of dating — you never know when a treasure will show up in your in box flirting with you.

This week I’ve had an encounter that even if it goes nowhere, is still very fun for me.

I am an R&B fan, both oldies and new artists. So last year when I briefly dated an R&B disk jockey, I was thrilled because this man immersed himself in my favorite music and emceed events with my most-liked artists. He promised to take me to some of the concerts, but went poof before he could deliver.

Imagine how fun it was this week for me to be contacted by a man who is part of a still performing famous oldie R&B group which has several well-known songs you’d recognize. We’ve only connected by phone and email and he’s been charming. He’s sent me several YouTube video links featuring him singing with the group.

Upon viewing the videos of the group in brightly colored suits, I wonder if I own the wardrobe to date a performer. Luckily, none of his outfits are sequined, but I’m not used to dating a man who wears orange, gold and bright blue suits — with matching shoes! I have red, teal, and plum suits, so am wondering if we’d have to coordinate colors before a date so we don’t clash!

Thankfully, he assures me that he only wears the vividly hued attire on stage. No need to be concerned at the looks we would attract with a man dressed in red from head to toe.

Watching him dance on stage in the videos, I decided he could teach my Jazzercise instructor a few steps. But what about when we go dancing — will I have to learn the dips, spins, and hand movements that he is used to?

This man is out of my geographical range, so even if it is a brief diversion, it’s fun to enter his world, if only just virtually.

(Yes, I know that anyone can post a picture of anyone online and then link to a video, so this person could just be posing as this singer. I have no evidence that he’s not who he says he is and have asked him enough questions about his life style that so far it makes sense. But I will be watching for any signs that he’s an impostor.)


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One response to “You never know who’ll flirt with you”

  1. ktr899 Avatar

    I think it’s great that you opened yourself up to this new experience. I read on a blog that if you open yourself up to people you’d never think you’d be interested or would be interested in you, you have a better chance of success in dating. Geographic range is also a big deal because I think too many people are unrealistic about how they date. People go online and meet people in other states and when they really like them, there’s a dilemna over distance. I think it’s best to mostly stick to your area if you’re looking for something serious. You’re comment opened my eyes though because I think you can meet great people who you learn from and who are fun, that are miles away and it doesn’t matter. Good for you 🙂