Special Valentine’s contest

Again several suppliers approached me with some fabulous prizes. I only have to mention their offer and they’ll provide great prizes to give one of you — but you have to enter to win!

The contest is for your best example of “This Valentine’s Day: Do This, Not That.” For example, “Do feed her fancy. Don’t decide on delivery.” My example would be “Do take her to watch her favorite team play. Don’t give her just a cardboard cutout of one of the players.” Or “Do give her special white wine glasses as that’s all she drinks. Don’t give her red wine glasses because you want the proper glass when you drink your red wine at her house.” See other examples.

What can you win?

  • From The Body Shop, a his and her “Redemption Kit” package (valued at approx. $110)
  • Love Etc. Eau de Toilette
  • Love Etc. Body Butter
  • Love Etc. Body Wash
  • White Musk for Men Eau de Toilette
  • White Musk for Men Aftershave Balm
  • White Musk for Men Hair & Body Wash
  • Your choice of any of my eBooks. (Priceless!)

Contest rules:

  • Submit your best example of “This Valentine’s Day: Do This, Not That” in a comment on this post.
  • Deadline: midnight EST Feb. 14, 2010.
  • If you win, you’ll need to supply a non-PO Box address for the prizes to be sent to you.


18 responses to “Special Valentine’s contest”

  1. maria rose Avatar

    if i was to get a Valentine gift (wishful thinking) he should insist that i get to truly relax for the day and give me a day of pleasure to enjoy starting with fresh brewed coffee and breakfast and so on you get the idea

  2. Deb Avatar

    Do show up on time for a change. Don’t get mad at her if she keeps you waiting 10 minutes.

    Do think of her when you are buying yourself a cup of coffee. Don’t thank her for the donut she buys you while you were buying coffee for yourself..

    Do appreciate her for some of her knowledge and experience. Don’t regal her with lessons on how smart you are.

  3. K Avatar

    Do give her a kiss, starting out tender and accelerating to first love frenzy. Don’t just walk away and turn the tv on to a ballgame.

  4. Katie Avatar

    DO give him/her a face massage, using a non-greasy moisturizer. Circular strokes with a fairly firm pressure on forehead, cheeks, jawline, temple and around eye orbits will complement the straight strokes along the nose and below eyebrows. S-L-O-W is best. DON’T underestimate the power of touch, and don’t hurry through this. Don’t see it as a means instead of an end. Don’t forget to end with a luscious scalp massage.

  5. Bobbie Avatar

    Do get her something cute AND comfy…sleep shirts can be sexy and they make them in red silk!
    Don’t be tempted by those expensive lace trimmed teddies and thongs…they scratch and bind. Ouch!

  6. Richard Avatar

    Do draw her a bath with her favorite bath oil from the body shop. Don’t forget to call 800-flowers for the dozen roses. (I know, a shameless suck up to the sponsors)

    Do take her out to dinner. Don’t take her out to an all you can eat buffet joint.

    Do gaze longingly into her eyes. Don’t tell her about the gray hair hanging down.

    Do plan a romantic evening. Don’t let your plans kill the spontaneity.

  7. Jeff Avatar

    Do that stress relieving neck massage for her as you sit together on the sofa watching the chick flick movie she’s been dying to see that you bought to watch together with her.
    Don’t snatch the remote to rewind and freeze frame the brief flash of female nudity that negates your every positive action of the night.

  8. Richard Avatar

    I forgot the shameless suck-up to our Goddess:

    Do get her DG’s e-book “Assessing Your Assets: Why You’re A Great Catch”. Don’t get her any other of DG’s e-books because she is all yours.

  9. Dating Goddess Avatar

    So far, Richard seems to best understand the fine art of sucking up!

    Richard, are you sure you don’t want her to have a copy of Embracing Midlife Men or From Fear to Frolic: Get Naked Without Getting Embarrassed?

  10. Richard Avatar

    I gave her those e-books for Christmas.


    But then it would looses its pithiness. Remember, this is all about sucking up to her. Those ebooks would be good for me 😛

  11. Mark Avatar

    Do cook together and when she’s busy chopping or stirring, and then take a moment away from your own chopping or stirring and embrace her and kiss the nape of her neck.

    Don’t sit on the couch and flip through the channels while you wait for her to get dinner ready.

    Do look at her and drink her in and realize that somehow, miraculously, she’s even more incredibly cute and sexy right now than she’s ever been. Oh my gosh, if you weren’t in a public place, you’d ravish her!

    Don’t notice that she has a few extra pounds or a bit of gray in her hair or a wrinkle or two around her eyes. That just means she is where you are and she understands life the way you do, the way someone much younger can’t.

  12. Katie Avatar

    Do plan a seasonal surprise. Make it unexpected, like a picnic in the snow. Make preparations as if you’re going cross-country skiing, only bring along a fully-equipped backpack. A wool blanket, thermos of hot spiced cider, tupperwares of nibblies such as cheeses, crackers, fresh fruits, veggies, hummus, nuts (insert his/her favorite foods here) and a sweet card proclaiming your love for your partner will create memories that last many decades. Don’t attempt this without generous amounts of chocolate for energy. Don’t succumb to the temptation to instead rent a movie about X-C skiing.

  13. Anna Avatar

    This Valentine’s Day Do:
    Make a promise to yourself to treat your sweetheart with love and affection every day of the year, making as many days as special as you can, not just today.
    Ever take your sweetheart for granted, you just never know when today will be the last day you see her or him.

    In loving memory of Rab – I didn’t know our kiss goodbye would be our last kiss.

  14. Jenny T Avatar
    Jenny T

    Do be attentive to your date. Having trouble deciding whether to take over the conversation or just listen, many times it’s better to listen. Ask questions to keep up the role of “listener”.

    Don’t act distracted during a date. Turn off your cell or PDA and maintain eye contact.

    Women, don’t be afraid to ask a man for a date. In fact, many men find a woman who will make the first move attractive and confident.

    Do decide to follow up with your date. Call or email your date to let them know you had a good time (if you did have a good time). This doesn’t have to seem desperate to get another date. It’s called being polite.

    Don’t be afraid to end the date early. If you are getting that uncomfortable feeling or think that things just aren’t “clicking”, you should make an excuse to leave.
    Do meet in a public place on your first date. This is a safe idea and could allow for other topics of conversation without feeling that one-on-one pressure.

  15. Richard Avatar

    Do buy a bottle of wine to share. Don’t get her drunk (tipsy is ok) – Believe me, it is no fun having her moan on the couch.

    Do surprise the girl you are trying to meet with a box of Godiva chocolates. Don’t get sappy with the card, after all you haven’t met yet, and it just makes you look needy.

    Do shovel her driveway after the biggest snow storm in history. You can even make heart shapes on her lawn. Don’t have a heart attack in the process, that is a real mood killer.

  16. Sandra Avatar

    Do buy her favorite chocolate. Don’t buy cheap stuff last minute because you couldn’t think of anything else..

  17. Richard Avatar

    If you are a starving college student, do celebrate valentine’s day late, so you can take advantage of the after valentine’s day sales. Don’t do it without first agreeing on it with your significant other.

    I visited my son at a recital over the weekend. I asked what his plans were for valentine’s day with his girl friend. He said they agreed to buy each other stuff on Monday when everything is on sale. It thought that was smart for starving college students.

  18. Cheryl Avatar

    Do be just dressing up in a Can Can out fit for the night’s Valentines party…when your lover arrives..and ask his advice on “hold ups” or “long socks”…..the response will be amazing !

    Don’t worry if he is too tired to come dancing..go anyway and dance your socks off, (or your hold ups) … and come home early and frisky !