Tag: mature dating

  • Is your prattling turning off your dates?

    Blathering. Babbling. Rambling. You hog the air time. Instead of it being a dialog, it’s a monologue. You go on and on, barely taking a breath, not allowing the other to interject anything but “uh huh.” You don’t ask a question. You lose the opportunity to get to know a potentially great mate. You lose […]

  • Dumped by someone below your standards

    When you first meet someone and are deciding whether to see each other again, whether you want to or not, you consciously or unconsciously size each other up. In addition to deciding if you’re attracted to the other, you assess if you are in the same league as the other. This league can be physical […]

  • Too much information?

    As a generality, men tend to keep relationship details to themselves. Their friends and family may have to probe and prod to even discover they have started dating someone. Guys keep that info to themselves. Only under rare circumstances would they share intimate details with their buddies. Women, however, tend to be the opposite. It’s […]

  • Are you an interchangeable cog?

    Most midlife singles have a vision of what they’d like their lives to be like in 5, 10 or 20 years. They imagine adventure trips abroad, luxury cruises, quietly enjoying their homes, or domestic RV trips. They may (or may not) have the resources to enjoy their dreams. There’s only one thing missing.

  • Slip-sliding away

    Some men just go poof — stopping any communication with you without a word. Others break up — in person, by phone, via email, or more and more commonly by text. They send a clear message they are moving on. But there’s another way men exit from a dating relationship.

  • The disclosure

    My friend has been dating a new guy for a month and it was going well. He’s emotionally mature, good looking, financially stable, fun and treats her well. They had two activities planned for the weekend near his home, an hour away from her. He invited her to stay overnight so she didn’t have to […]

  • How men and nectarines are similar

    At the farmers market, a woman asked the vendor how to tell when the nectarines were sweet and ripe. “The ones with blemishes and freckles are the sweetest. The prettiest ones aren’t as good.” I looked at them both and said, “Just like men.”

  • Sexual continuous improvement

    You’ve been dating a special guy for a while and have had several sexual romps. But you find yourself less than satisfied, even though you’ve giving lots of feedback on what’s working for you when you’re in the act. Rather than declaring that you’re sexually incompatible, you decide to see if you can discuss adjustments […]

  • When is he your beau?

    When you first start seeing someone, what do you call it? Hanging out? “Seeing each other?” Dating? If you’re just going to coffee, on hikes, or to the movies, is that really dating? Especially if one or both of you are meeting other people?

  • The sexcation

    When you first start being sexual with a new sweetie, you likely have sex nearly every time you see each other. Depending on your mutual libido, that could be several times a day! In the beginning, you may have sleep overs a few times a week. But what if you go on a trip together […]

  • Is he willing to do the work?

    Any mature person knows that to keep a relationship humming, it takes some work. Even if you get along fabulously, usually there are a few hiccups that need negotiating. My ex and I started going to a counselor a few years into our relationship as I wanted a safe place we could work out any […]