When you first start being sexual with a new sweetie, you likely have sex nearly every time you see each other. Depending on your mutual libido, that could be several times a day! In the beginning, you may have sleep overs a few times a week.
But what if you go on a trip together and are staying in the same room? You can end up spending a lot of time in the sack, even if you have other excursions in mind. The intimacy is so delicious you don’t want to uncouple. You may spend all day — or days — only getting up when room service arrives or for other physical needs.
You have gone on a sexcation, whether that was your plan or not.
An upside of a sexcation is your sexual itch gets scratched. You can become closer — your emotional intimacy is deepened. You can enjoy being inventive and experimental — and perhaps get some new favorite moves. You can relax and enjoy without worrying about who can hear and household chores that nag you at home.
The downsides are you can become bored with your lover’s moves. If he is unwilling to try new things, you can feel stuck in an unfulfilling rut. If he only wants to nap or watch TV instead of talk, you won’t necessarily feel any closer.
Sexcations can be great fun — or not. Just like any date. But you probably wouldn’t have agreed to go away and sleep in the same room with someone you didn’t have a good idea you’d enjoy.
What’s your experience with sexcations — multiple-night getaways that resulted in not much sight seeing outside the room? Were they fun? What did you learn?
Want to understand more about sex and dating? Get your copy of From Fear to Frolic: Get Naked Without Getting Embarrassed
3 responses to “The sexcation”
You have to be willing to try different things. No one wants stale old sex. Spice that thing up!
Interesting concept. Never tried it, but am gonna now! 🙂
I think you’re right. In the early stages of my relationship we couldn’t get enough of each other. Then it started to get boring… But we realized the problem and now me and my girlfriend make sure we make it special every time. And also less frequent. But i have to admit, it was fun while it lasted.