Flash mob!

I believe that part of being successful in midlife dating is stretching one’s comfort zone. By doing activities you normally wouldn’t do, you gain more confidence and explore if you’d like to do that activity again.

This is the attitude that drew me to participate in a flash mob dance. My Jazzercise instructor was joining with another instructor who had planned to do a routine in the middle of a popular shopping mall. If we wanted to participate, his email said, he’d teach us the moves in the Sat. morning class before the flash mob two hours later.

I made sure I made it to class to learn the routine. It was to Lady Gaga’s “I was born this way.” Although the steps were pretty pedestrian, there were a few tricky spots so I appreciated that he went through it a few times.

Arriving early, I saw a few classmates and wasn’t sure if I should say hello. Part of the intrigue of a flash mob is the seeming spontaneity of it. But I approached a pair and introduced myself. Soon our instructor arrived and the organizer.

We waited impatiently for the other instructor to start the music. She eventually did, starting the boom box hidden in a baby carriage.

The 4-minute routine went by quickly. I was conscious when I screwed up as there were lots of cameras capturing our antics.

All in all, I’m glad I did it. It got me to push my limits and self-consciousness of dancing in public.

What can you do in the next week to expand your limits? It may help you in your dating life as well.


6 responses to “Flash mob!”

  1. katie Avatar

    I agree 100% that stepping out of our comfort zone can be surprisingly helpful. Last month I drove 600 miles to jump on a 5-day mountain bike trip (having never mountain biked before) into Yellowstone National Park. Highlight of my summer — just like your flash mob! I kept thinking, “If I can ride to Old Faithful, I can do anything…”

    So: run a foot race, plant a garden, knit a scarf, take cooking lessons, join a book group, volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, mentor a child, go skydiving, whatever! Do something new to you! It is a huge positive step!

  2. Dating Goddess Avatar

    Katie: Great examples!

    I do want to clarify, however, that the flash mob was a fun thing to do but not the highlight of my summer. 🙂

  3. katie Avatar

    Sorry! One never knows how good or bad a summer has been… actually I’m relieved to hear that the flash mob was NOT the biggest thing of your last three months… I was being tongue-in-cheek but that doesn’t come through in the written word. What WAS your highlight, BTW?

  4. themodernfemme Avatar

    Great advice! Anytime you do something new you grow and expand as a person! There are a lot of fun interesting people who do flash mobs!

  5. Josh Avatar

    Thanks for the great advice. I’ve always wanted to be part of a flash mob!

  6. Gregg Avatar

    I agree, I say get out there and get out of your comfort zone! Get crazy people! I would take it a step further and say lose (at least temporarily) your friends that won’t join you and go it alone if necessary.

    Great website flash girl!